Clay mines and an orphanage
We only planned to visit the cultural village of Kungoni today, but after Henry arrived quite late, we changed plans and made and interesting stop in between… Originally we wanted to use the school bus of the BGA to travel to Kungoni but as the bus hasn’t arrived at the school even after a few…
Arrival: Flights and no fuel
The trip to Malawi was very exciting and started with the failure of the Deutsche Bahn (Germany’s primary rail way company). Our train was over 90 minutes late, which is why we needed to take another one. But in the end everything was fine and we arrived, a little later than expected but still on…
Arrival in Leipzig
Our partners from Malawi arrived at the Leipzig central station after one and a half days of traveling. Tired but happy the got welcomed by their hosts. A great meal and a ready made bed now awaits them at their hosts home.