We went into Leipzig city with Justus where we get n the bus going to the train station. We met our friends at the main station and our teachers both from Johanns Kepler Hi xull and Beautiful Gate Academy teachers. After treating each other we started our journey to Berlin the Capital of German.
I was very excited even a way to Berlin as I was looking outside Train through the window looked trees and landscape German. We reached the main station of Berlin in good time. The station has a well and beautiful building. I admired it and was very happy with it.
We went into the city, we saw the parliament buildings which all are so beautiful. we saw main historical things including the burnt library, Friedric symboland a place where people were not allowed to cross during the war when the German was divided into two regions, the eastern and western part.
I admire Humboldt University and I started feeling like am one of the students at Humboldt University so as I am outside the class during break time.
We went to the TV tower 368m tall to the top but we ended at 203m only. It was very interesting to me because from the time I was young I have never seen such things. Indeed I will miss such things and they are good history to me.